Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Step 2: Leaving

I've been asked "why?" a lot.  I wish I was so free spirited as to not have an answer for that, but alas, that's not even close to the case.  So, if you're curious, my reasons are below and then followed by some other errant thoughts.

- I need/crave change right now.  I've lived in AZ for my entire life, why not try a new city/state/country?
- Who is Nick Nash?  Maybe that answer will change...or maybe it'll be nothing nearly so melodramatic. :)
- Melbourne appears to be an awesome city: ranked 2 years in a row as "most livable city" (didn't know this before I booked the flight and made the decision), it has great transportation, good weather, tons of things to do, great culture, good people, running/biking paths, low unemployment, and beach-front.

I've also been asked, "what are you worried about most?"  That question is easy.  It's not: finding a job, finding a place to live, being bitten/eaten/killed by 7 of the world's 10 most deadly critters, and it's not meeting people.  It is: losing touch with the people I've already met.  I've been incredibly lucky with the friends I've made and it would be "the worst" to lose touch with everyone.  I realize this is a two-way street, but...things and stuff.  I don't have a good answer.

Feel free to ask more questions, but I think the more exciting part will be in two days: the flight and arrival.  My accommodations thus far (first week): http://www.flindersbackpackers.com.au/.


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